战争之躯 短评

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0 天使涅槃 看过 2014-12-11 01:14:01

应该让那些整天吆喝着打仗的人民看看该片!打也应该让徐才厚等人上战场去为国家抛头颅洒热血! Android

2 ziebfb 看过 2014-11-02 22:26:46

Thomas Young joined the Army two days after 9/11, got injured the fifth day he had been on the ground of Iraq and ended up paralyzed from chest down. From that point on, his stand on this war changed completely. This is about the ugly side of the war.

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战争之躯 Body of War

导演: 菲尔·多纳休 / Ellen Spiro

主演: Robert Byrd /

类型: 纪录片, 战争

地区: 美国

上映: 2007-09-11

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