战争的命运 短评

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0 M. Dzvonski 2020-05-13 21:37:30

在阳台上看第四集 看到老dandy prince yakimov在空袭时站在阳台上点烟 楼下的希腊军官警告着开枪把他打死时刚好我也在和室友的一次性火机较劲 更可怕的是 两小时前压土豆泥的时候突然崩出一个how to boil your potato faster的广告视频。。。

0 白白 2022-12-03 22:10:59 天津

改编自Olivia Manning “Balkan trilogy”

0 门多塔的孽障 2012-11-30 09:29:52


0 明日歇業 2017-03-09 14:44:15

啃泥爵把这个zuo die理想主义自由派青年演得入木三分♥

0 sarah🇺🇦 2015-11-13 15:04:42

Pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag, And smile, smile, smile, While you've a lucifer to light your fag, Smile, boys, that's the style. What's the use of worrying? It never was worth while, so Pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag, And smile, smile, smile.