幽巷谋杀案的影评 (5)
幽巷杀人案是大侦探波罗的其中一集。影片的最开始,就埋下了伏笔“今天适合杀人,因为分不清是烟花声音还是枪声”,这句话果然应验了。全篇都在调查杀人凶手是谁,出乎意料的是却是自杀。诚然,Allen是自杀,可是Major Eustace没有杀她,却着实是因为他才死的。最后Allen的室友... (展开)the atmosphere of solemnity
the Britain has a very bleak climate, and most of the cities and towns do not have so many people, I think these reasons lead to the British people do like detective novels. and of course the best authors come from the UK always this characteristic, the sto...
妙龄少妇,门窗反锁,惨死家中。这是一起密室案,死者疑似自杀。 可从现场来看,却又像是谋杀。各种线索,扑朔迷离... 《大侦探波洛》第一季,第二案《幽巷谋杀案》 焰火之夜,黑哥和大侦探波洛开着玩笑:烟花绽放的这个时候,如果发生枪杀,那么大家肯定无法分辨。这是一个很...