"Candy" Johnson, a great crook of the Wild West, decides to find a town where he could become a big boss. To achieve this, he will need to conceal his true identity and not only pretend to be an honest man, but lead the struggle against the corrupt sheriff. No one in town realizes that the anti-corruption hero is just a greater crook himself. And there is only one person who is...
"Candy" Johnson, a great crook of the Wild West, decides to find a town where he could become a big boss. To achieve this, he will need to conceal his true identity and not only pretend to be an honest man, but lead the struggle against the corrupt sheriff. No one in town realizes that the anti-corruption hero is just a greater crook himself. And there is only one person who is stronger than Johnson: the girl he loves.
游乐场的短评 · · · · · · ( 全部 12 条 )
0 有用 IreneBullock 看过 2020-07-14 15:10:52
对我没吸引力的那种类型片 不理解为什么男女主被叫做 The Pair That Makes Steam 很不喜欢他们的对手戏 还是和Jean Harlow看着舒服
0 有用 杨浦小囡 看过 2017-05-06 11:34:29
1 有用 根号石榴 看过 2014-03-15 22:38:07
0 有用 touya 看过 2021-08-26 14:38:13
(不要信这个译名,和片子没半毛钱关系)盖博在这片子里特别流里流气,但又确实很符合男主是个四处跑江湖的骗子设置。巧舌如簧,活的能说死,黑的能说白,给自己说了个死心塌地的小白兔乖乖女媳妇儿,甚至还能以一敌“两拨”百解决小镇纷争……Lana Turner在片子里很甜美,小白兔想改变大灰狼未果,失去爸爸和孩子这段我仿佛在看低配版[乱世佳人]……?
1 有用 Calm_73 看过 2014-03-16 00:07:13