圣诞欢歌 短评

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0 Xiong 想看 2016-12-28 12:53:16


0 ydm426 想看 2023-04-25 22:52:00 北京

During 1950s, stage musicals were at the height of popularity and swiftly adapted to films, the 1960s continued the same trend of adapting already successful theatrical stage hits, 1970s adaptations based on successful musical stage plays, some exceptions based on books. based on books by Charles Dickens.

0 何人晓得_ 想看 2013-12-26 15:13:03


0 桃先生 想看 2013-08-30 21:38:55


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圣诞欢歌 Scrooge

导演: 罗纳德·尼姆

主演: 阿尔伯特·芬尼 / 伊迪斯·伊万斯 / 肯尼思·莫尔 / 劳伦斯·奈史密斯 / 约翰·欧文斯 / John O'Brien / 玛丽·皮奇 / 迈克尔·里尔登 / Paddy Stone / 玛丽安·斯通 ...

类型: 剧情, 歌舞, 奇幻, 家庭

地区: 英国

片长: 113 分钟, UK: 120 分钟

上映: 1970-11-05

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