In 1948, the Soviet Union blockades the Allied sectors of Berlin to bring the entire city under their control. A semi-documentary about the resulting Berlin Airlift gives way to stories of two fictitious U.S. Air Force participants: Sgt. Hank Kowalski, whose hatred of Germans proves resistant to change, and Sgt. Danny McCullough, whose pursuit of an attractive German war widow ...
In 1948, the Soviet Union blockades the Allied sectors of Berlin to bring the entire city under their control. A semi-documentary about the resulting Berlin Airlift gives way to stories of two fictitious U.S. Air Force participants: Sgt. Hank Kowalski, whose hatred of Germans proves resistant to change, and Sgt. Danny McCullough, whose pursuit of an attractive German war widow gives him a crash course in the seamy side of occupied Berlin.
空投艳史的短评 · · · · · · ( 全部 8 条 )
0 有用 Février 看过 2012-02-01 20:31:57
3 有用 megaclubdiolis 看过 2019-04-21 19:32:23
虽然是一部傻里傻气的propaganda轻喜剧, 但实地拍摄和真实士兵演出还算是很有趣的噱头,战后影像和战后人民生活的展现相当珍贵。二战刚结束时候很多不起眼的小电影题材都很少见,长知识哦。兵哥哥!Monty英气逼人哈<3
0 有用 故园遥望 看过 2021-03-07 12:02:34
0 有用 kubrick215 看过 2017-04-13 14:04:45
兵哥哥题材 自有其引人之处 Monty除了偶尔演叛逆小青年 还演了不少美国好男儿。 政治宣传片
0 有用 二战电影馆 看过 2020-05-23 16:53:23
冷战片 1948年,苏联封锁了柏林的盟军,将整个城市置于其控制之下。