归途路迢迢的影评 (3)

唐宁 2023-04-28 09:53:32


2023.04.28 又一部约翰·韦恩主演的电影,但是韦恩在这部电影里主演却不出彩,像个打酱油的,反而是他身边的几个“歪瓜裂枣”倒是神采奕奕,光鲜夺目。据说原剧本是在第一次世界大战时撰写的,这部电影把它放在了二战初期的1940年,且同年拍摄上映,可谓没有时间距离感。 1940...  (展开)
他他 2021-03-17 01:14:59

[Film Review] The Grapes of Wrath (1940) and The Long Voyage Home (1940)

In 1940, there are two John Ford pictures,THE GRAPES OF WRATH and THE LONG VOYAGE HOME, entering the Oscar race (with 7 and 6 nominations respectively including BEST PICTURE), the former won him the second of his unsurpassable record of 4 wins in BEST DIREC...  (展开)
agean 2007-11-26 01:49:09


John Ford的一部关于sailer的黑白经典。 So men like Ole come and go,and the Driscolls live and die,and the Yanks and Smittys leave their memories-but for the others the long voyage never ends.  (展开)
