There’s enormous growth and beauty in that
十星好剧,所有恋爱的、没恋爱的但想恋爱的、结婚的、离婚的、渴望婚姻的、恐惧婚姻都可以看看。开始的时候容易情绪上头,坚信“当局者迷旁观者清”,恨不得撸起袖子急切地想找到到底是谁的错出了什么问题,并在心中投入地扮演一个施救者的形象,加入其中一方攻击另一方,甚至这也许是节目的倾向,毕竟负面情绪传播得更快。看YouTube上评论就知道,观众几乎都是一边倒,“缺陷”明显的那一方成了被攻击的对象。在之后,随着Dr. Orna Guralnik的抽丝剥茧,观众一点点看到所谓的“加害者”那些令人同情的过去和“受害者”的缺陷。It takes two to tango。慢慢可以理解这个节目更深层次的主旨不是judge谁也不是指责谁,而是看到人性和亲密关系的复杂。
Dr. Orna Guralnik让我看到一位好的婚姻咨询师有多难得,共情能力要强,但又要足够理性,而这两点几乎是矛盾的。
她在争吵升级的时候及时介入缓和情绪,在一方明显压制另一方的时候出面平衡,在当事人把感受当作事实的时候提醒,Let’s not equate the feeling with the truth,也会在有人认为自己为自己的选择付出代价的时候说You took a risk, it’s not a crime that deserves punishment.。她发掘那些来自原生家庭的、性别的甚至是来自种族的、政治的trauma以及这些trauma痊愈之后对各自性格的塑造和负面影响。她还善于识破那些长年累月包装在诡辩中的自私, 也会在夫妻偶尔真情流露的时候充满钦佩和爱意地注视着他们。当她给一对又一对带来a-ha moment的,你不得不佩服她的老辣和犀利。
个人最喜欢的部分,一个是关于Get Out的笑话,white therapist和tea spoon,不禁令人拍大腿的狡黠.
一个是Dr. 问Elaine关于intention的问题。You’re very intentional about the way you live. You’re driving your own life, you’re conscious about your own choices. What are you afraid of? What’s your history of letting things happen that has taught you I’d better drive this life very hard? 振聋发聩。
还有Dr.自己的总结,It takes a lot of love and wants to change and you have to want it enough to be able to change something in yourself, something fundamental. Transcend yourself.
Accumulating long history with someone, really knowing them, finding a way to continue loving them despite some things come the way that makes it difficult for you, there’s enormous growth and beauty in that.