The documentary ends with a romantic hope of individual gaining control, unfortunately this is never going to happen, because individual is weak, because most individuals like me believe individual is weak and because the elites want to maintain their powers. The only things that change with the passage of time are different group of elites come into power, from politicians to bankers to tech companies, the tools they use to gain control vary - opiums, wars, ideologies, conspiracy theories and technologies. What is more horrifying in today's world is you are not only being watched, but also being conditioned and manipulated systematically, fear and anxiety being suppressed in the East, hysteria and suspicion being stirred up in the West. It is no longer important what you beleive, but what version of reality you are fed and made to believe with priming and nudging. Probably the ultimate salvation is nihilism and to believe in nothing given no so called truth is not being told by non self serving story teller. Great footage and beautiful BGM.