
前几天在推上看到Kwame的床戏,底下有人评论了出处,正好这两天生病请假在家就找出来看了看。 It's entertaining to say the least. Kwame told a girl that he was gay after having sex with her and Arabella made a big deal out of it. It reminded me of the time when I lied to a certain person about a certain thing. Before I went to his place I searched it online, and people were saying that if you lied about things of which the other person would not have sex with you if they had known the truth, that's rape. However it's different in my situation. First of all I didn't know that he cared about my answer to that question, I didn't know he was actually looking for the type of person I coincidentally lied to be. I did lie, which was undeniably wrong, but I also told him the truth *before* the actual thing happened, he acted like he didn't care and did it anyways. Then I never saw him again. There was no actual victim here, just one guy who was emotionally hurt, and another who regretted thinking with his dick.
话说剧里有个跨性别角色,Kai。我改名前也考虑过叫“X凯”来着,当时想到的中英同名的名字还有Ben和Bo,最后选择了Bo,因为喜欢Bo Burnham(虽然他真名叫Robert)。T对Kai说如果我因为你是跨性别男性而不想date你的话别人会以为我transphobic。 Now, as a gay trans guy, I would not consider dating another trans guy, for two reasons: first, I like dicks and most trans guys don't got a fully functional one; second, I hate myself, I hate everything about me, what I went through, what I'm going through, how I felt and feel about my body, everything. And I'd like to be with someone who doesn't know how that feels like. I need a wholesome person to negate the trouble I went through, not someone to 同病相怜. That being said, I for one do not think it's transphobic to not wanting to date a trans person who identify as your preferred gender, but whether or not you'll be called rude for not knowing how to reject people politely is a whole nother question.