it's a whole new track.It just all different,and it's different forever. I am doing what you doing. I am figuring out,”what do I want to do? What do I care about?” And it takes time to process your life and figure it out what it all means. So little of who I am happened in those eight years. So much more of who I was happened before.
We can’t afford to wait for the world to be equal to start feeling seen...So you’ve got to find the tools within yourself to feel visible and to be heard, to use your voice.
What make you not a stat? You see yourself more than a stat, and you start thinking, “who are you? What you care about? What brings you joy?”
Fashion for a woman still predominates how people view you,and that’s not fair, that’s not right, but it’s true. And that’s when fashion isn’t just fashion; it’s how you turn it into your tool, rather than being a victim of it.