卢西奥 短评

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0 Polygethes 看过 2020-07-20 11:47:24

Lucio Urtubia,1931-2020, a father, a bank-robber, a counterfeiter, and most importantly, a bricklayer. You will be missed. He who is blessed in the earth will be blessed by the god of truth. "I believe that what is needed in a society such as this are people with a fighting spirit." -- "The only revolution we have carried out is being permanently disgusted. We must put everything we’ve learned into practice. We must not be afraid of disrespecting those who don’t deserve our respect." -- "I don’t regret anything at all."

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卢西奥 Lucio

导演: 埃托尔·卢纳 / 何塞·玛利亚·戈纳加

类型: 传记, 纪录片

地区: 西班牙

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