西蒙·阿姆斯特尔:顺其自然的影评 (13)

ALLISON WONG 2018-12-17 18:41:20



0、 《大英百科全书》对“黑色幽默”的解释是“一种绝望的幽默,力图引出人们的笑声,作为人类对生活中明显的无意义和荒谬的一种反响。”黑色幽默是一种用喜剧形式表现悲剧内容的文学方法。 放在今天各式各样的文化艺术表现形式中,黑色幽默的荒谬更加平民化和日常化,因为在物...  (展开)
误入崂山 2019-06-10 23:38:55

"It's not a funny ending, is it?"

一开始,Simon Amstell展示了自己,一个脆弱的,慌张的,神经质的人。然后这个形象渐渐隐去了,他不再提及自身,把重点放到他的感受上去。作为讲述的前提,也是他的自我介绍,那个形象我们仍然记得,他会在洗脸池前面哭泣,会在行动时不停质问自己。有熟悉他的人,在这时应该明...  (展开)
2023-06-27 13:27:45

live moment to moment

You iust live moment to moment when I danced people heard Tragedy + time = comedy thinking makes it so 我没法改变他们 我所能做的只是改变我看待他们的角度 Everything is a choice between fear and love We may as well choose love because death is coming 自发即兴...  (展开)
So Magic 2020-06-08 23:54:32



【写于2015年,从lofter搬过来】 一切开始于simon关于ben的那场著名暗恋,然而之前我一无所知,包括simon这个人。 看了一个八卦贴,说到他在自己的stand up show里说的那个喜欢的男演员就是Ben,一场各种心酸的暗恋,我只是出于好奇搜了他的show来看。 的确关于that actor的种...  (展开)
vera 2019-02-17 09:35:35

How It all works out just in the right way

I've seen simon in Never Mind the Buzzclocks a few years ago. Back then there weren't so many videos on the Internet and I only vaguely remember him as the thin guy with the cute awkwardness. It's not until my favourite blogger April recommended him that I ...  (展开)
호기심 2024-04-24 21:57:29

let it be

do nothing what's wrong with me? And now i just feel like,debate and politics is the opposite of truth,the opposite of beauty, the opposite of joy. And whether it's a low brow stupid daytime TV show debate like that or a high brow question time political ...  (展开)
SILVERFLAKE 2023-10-31 23:51:46

I'm just a man standing.

I'm quite lonely,let's start with that. oh…ok! oh,i feel faint Why are you crying? I've got too many sinks He's so timid and variable which is why I love him Where he sort of to nourish his sensitivity,to nurture his vulnerability and I decided that shyne...  (展开)
drin. 2023-11-30 00:31:35


还是坚定了自己的一个想法:生活就是一场梦。Thinks make it so. We may feel the detachment sometimes. But we can do nothing. Acceptance. 虽然内心依然是抗拒的,但是只能告诉自己这是一场梦。我爱这个编制起来的故事。套子里面的套子。grab the moment I know you really...  (展开)
两个思鸟 2022-06-06 19:46:00


看Simon的stand-up comedy等同用笑话消解自己的伤痛。Simon单恋过Ben,相仿的瘦削和脆弱,于是戏称narcissism;我想,爱上Simon,我也是自恋狂。 但很大不同的一点是,好像从来没有这么直白地袒露自己,就算曾不遗余力地写下些什么东西,都通过抽象变得隐晦、疏离。接收到如此...  (展开)
这是Jing 2022-01-08 16:04:28

Everything is a choice between love and fear


印象深刻的有三个点,一个是Simon讲自己暗恋的演员的脆弱性如何被保护,而自己的脆弱性如何要求被克服: And I think the difference between us, because I think we are both quiet and shy as children, but he retained that shyness, it makes him beautiful and sensitiv...  (展开)
山清水x挑肥拣s 2019-11-13 12:30:23


刷豆瓣看饼哥标记想看立马找来看的,不能更好,越来越喜欢gay了怎么办!内容本身足够好,能感觉到他对很多问题有足够的思考和特别的理解,在形式上,段子的结构也很立体,有层次,有很多意想不到的延时呼应的部分,也有一个印象深刻的讲到一半插入别的话题讲很远最后又给拽回来...  (展开)
有一些影评被折叠了 为什么被折叠?
ashes要打坐 2011-10-13 17:46:46

Simon my spirit animal

以前看嗡嗡鸡总觉得他小家子气的犀利毒舌有种熟悉感,那一定是一个很有self-awareness,自卑又自负的人在自己身上锻炼出来的。 其实真没什么可说,很喜欢的这篇影评(http://www.geeks.co.uk/review/film/29088-simon-amstell.html)把我想到的都说了。里面写道“ It has to b...  (展开)
▶▷ ℒ 2018-07-03 23:40:37

Simon Amstell: Do Nothing (2010) Movie Script


Ladies and gentlemen, please will you welcome onto the stage Simon Amstell! Hello. Thank you. How are you? Are you okay? You all right? Well, this is fun, isn't it? This is sort of a fun thing to be doing. This is fun. It's fun, right? I'm quite lonely. Let...  (展开)
