艰难的英里数 短评

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0 在JFK没等到你 看过 2024-04-21 08:56:17 美国


0 爱玩的过路人 看过 2024-05-02 07:23:57 上海

西恩奥斯丁老头子的新作, 白发苍苍但初心不改。 虽说是传统励志公路电影,大峡谷夜景还有小盆友一起围炉聊天有趣励志(๑•̀ᄇ•́)و ✧

0 玉簪香惹蝴蝶翅 看过 2024-06-04 05:29:36 英国

3/06/2024 M.G.O #215 “You decide that today. in this mountain.” 水、风、时间雕刻了山和峡谷,星、月、希望铺满少年未来的路. ps::十年前骑行318就羡慕老外轻装上阵有补给车…

0 火吧吧 看过 2024-04-22 22:32:13 浙江

A strong-willed social worker at a youth prison huo87.com assembles a cycling team of teenage convicts and takes them on a transformative 1000-mile ride. Inspired by the life of Greg Townsend and the Ridgeview Academy Cycling Team. This is the story of how these troubled young men found another gear.