喜悦之泪的影评 (3)

B面 2008-07-27 16:14:47


Jayne and Laura are about to take on the first man they just might not be able to handle: their seventy-something-year-old father Joe. Dutiful daughters returning to the house they grew up in, Jayne and Laura are forced to take a closer look at their own no...  (展开)
格桑姐姐 2018-03-06 20:00:07


十分直白且生活化的家庭伦理剧,有一些用很扭曲奇怪的形式来表现的画面镜头看起来观感并不是很好,都有种看惊悚片既视感,片中父女之间的默契度真的是低,还有不少蛮无厘头的情节。前部分穿插看着还不错,后部分就平淡无奇而且温情不足,结局倒还算温馨,配乐恰如其分,但是总...  (展开)
狗血姜 2010-11-20 13:19:44


Demi Moore还是那么销魂啊~导演是Lichtenstein 的儿子吗?看得出来你压力好大啊,各种活在父亲阴影下……  (展开)
