构建《疯狂动物城》的影评 (2)

野长 2019-02-11 10:59:49


A review of zootopia Zootopia is a surprise. It's very interesting. A modern animal city, every animal has its own place in the desert, a desert climate, Sahara square, a cold, cold glacier, and it's like a big melting pot, and the animals are here to live ...  (展开)
spz 2019-05-20 08:17:25

Before Zootopia


BIAS 一窥Zootopia诞生所需的投入 真诚 不放弃, 真的好棒~ (e.g. 去各地调查、感受动物形态 把工作当做一种“沉浸” 一种“学习”;把故事呈现交上去后被驳回:得让观众先喜欢这个世界;前6版都是以Nick为视角 结果越来越黑暗hhh;无数的修改 “采用”和“放弃”都是快速的...  (展开)
