一道平面,重制 短评

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2 私享史 看过 2014-05-25 10:31:45

最早是在CAFAM首届双年展“超有机”上看到的这支现代舞作品,特别喜欢,表现时间与空间、身体与行为、个体与互动等多种关系的佳作。后来被俄亥俄州立大学的一拨学者拿去玩数学建模了…… 全片:https://vimeo.com/36687068 访谈:https://vimeo.com/36635217

0 湾的海风月亮 看过 2023-11-02 17:10:58 北京

intense ending hidden in silence 里面有桑吉加

0 天地本不全 看过 2022-03-04 00:19:43

2008 by William Forsythe

2 kndotl 看过 2017-07-13 12:07:22


0 雨臣 看过 2017-11-21 15:48:02


0 天娇 看过 2023-11-14 04:26:11 美国

I contemplate where the ‘narrative sense’ in “One Flat Thing, Reproduced” (2008) comes from. The close-ups of the dancers’ faces should be one reason. For me, close-ups are a cinematic trope, but in this context, they don’t emphasize the language of facial expression. Moreover, in several instances where close-ups appear, the emotions conveyed are

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一道平面,重制 One Flat Thing, Reproduced

类型: 短片, 歌舞

地区: 法国

片长: 26分钟

上映: 2008-02-26(法国)

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