Tough Guise 2 短评

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0 yikes 看过 2015-03-12 09:41:37

men are weaker when they think that they can beat women. true men are caring, supportive and respectful. I met men that are rude enough to think that they can completely walk over me, lol, you are lame af

0 宋哈娜 看过 2018-10-23 06:39:13

Violent masculinity is invisible but everywhere.

0 想摸猫咪屎努子 看过 2024-02-24 10:02:36 美国

Men should be eliminated from the planet.

0 6ans 看过 2021-11-26 13:36:09

Violent masculinity is everywhere. Violent movies not only equals masculinity with violence, but treat heroes and heroines so differently in terms of their image. Toxic masculinity is also about only valuing being tough in sports and being able to provide support to women. It’s a gendered, sexualized, materialized and objectified world around us.

0 Jessika 看过 2020-10-01 12:40:58

It’s a men’s issue.

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地区: 美国

片长: 80 min

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