12把椅子的影评 (2)

Lucida 2017-04-08 02:30:44


电影改编自俄罗斯作家 Ilya Ilf 和 Yevgeny Petrov 合著的同名讽刺小说The Twelve Chairs (1928),大多忠于原著,但是整体更偏向喜剧,没有那么黑暗。这部小说被改编翻拍成电影近20次,苏联,英国的Ealing studio,古巴等国的导演都拍过,剧情改编或多或少,但基本都是没落贵族...  (展开)
涅瓦纳 2012-01-29 10:21:38

The Twelve Chairs

A treasure hunt. An aging ex-nobleman of the Czarist regime has finally adjusted to life under the commisars in Russia. Both he and the local priest find that the family jewels were hidden in a chair, one of a set of twelve. They return separately to Moscow...  (展开)
