我走我路的影评 (7)

朗姐🌈 2007-08-22 16:37:37


Joan Webster,韦小姐琼,从小就是个争强好胜的,凡事有主见,长得也很有主见。二十五岁时,琼决心要嫁一富翁,一个年纪可以做她爹的化工实业老板。老板在苏格兰西部拥有一个岛屿,韦小姐安排了行程,从曼彻斯特火车轮船日夜兼程,赶到岛上去嫁他。赶到苏格兰海边遇上了风暴,...  (展开)
Mlle.61 2009-05-23 16:55:51


女人总归是女人,世人用成就来衡量男性,对于女人呢,是用快乐、幸福、满足…这些匪夷所思的非理性指标来看待她。 所以就像歌里面唱的:我知道我要去哪里。我知道谁将伴我同行。我也知道哪个是我倾心。但是天晓得将来我要嫁谁…… 女人从小就在计划那事,为那事担心,因为这个...  (展开)
他他 2017-04-30 02:07:18

[Last Film I Watched] 'I Know Where I'm Going!' (1945)

Title: 'I Know Where I'm Going!' Year: 1945 Country: UK Language: English, Scottish Gaelic Genre: Drama, Romance Directors/Writers: Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger Music: Allan Gray Cinematography: Erwin Hillier Cast: Wendy Hiller Roger Livesey Dunca...  (展开)
2024-01-09 05:58:58

Nothing is stronger than true love


#DVD 整体节奏好快,开场几句宿命论般的旁白和女主童年经历+演职人员表画面结合就把女主的性格交代清楚了。后续的火车转轮船转汽车总让我想起血与冰激凌中的那个比较出名的转场。男主则一样带着宿命出场,整部电影的宿命感好强,结尾这部分算收的不错,风笛手,女主的宿命,男...  (展开)
大江春泥 2021-05-24 14:28:55



If he shall ever cross the thresholdof moy 年少时他跨过了这扇门, Never shall he leave it a free man 自由则再无可能。 He shall be chained to a woman 一个女子会成为他身上的枷锁, To the end of his day 诅咒至死无改, And shall die in his chained 终其一生锁链...  (展开)
我呼吸的空气 2012-02-12 11:28:59

Powell & Pressburger's "I know where I'm going"

One of the finest romantic films ever made (名副其实!), I Know Where I’m Going tells the story of Joan Webster (the great Dame Wendy Hiller), a middle-class English girl willing to do anything to move up in the world. As with Colonel Blimp, the film’s th...  (展开)
Sylvia 2019-09-24 02:41:52


Back to the train, but at the same time something completely different industrial workers/feudal lairs witty Hollywood comedies in the 30s, romantic protagonist starting off as antagonist starting in one way, ending in another way opening credits section: a...  (展开)
