霹雳钻的影评 (6)

涅瓦纳 2014-12-07 10:09:47

Marathon Man

热爱长跑运动的大学学生勒维从小受父亲的熏陶,对历史十分感兴趣,并在学校中主修历史。自从父亲多年前去世,勒维的日常开销所需都由在华盛顿从事石油行业的哥哥多克供应。尽管多克工作繁忙,兄弟俩见面机会不多,但两人的感情却十分深厚。 在学校图书馆,勒维注意到一个漂亮的...  (展开)
发廊气~~ 2009-11-18 01:26:33



推开家门,爸爸在看hbo,看到达哥那对黄牛肩膀就坐下来看了. 刚坐下就看到白色天使下飞机,走过非常art deco的机场走道,挖~太old school~ 然后紧接着就是老头子杀哥哥时的背景,那个阶梯造型雕塑,配上70年代特有的荧光红色氛围灯实在太复古了。 我就在想,如果上海都是国泰电...  (展开)
RosyVibe 2020-07-27 17:27:21

Film Review


I was impressed by these recurring themes. I really like the background music of the whole film, and it is just hit the point. Brotherhood of man impressed me, this plot also bedding the plots after tis.This film is an attractive film, and it keeps several ...  (展开)
他他 2018-10-18 00:07:24

[Film Review] Marathon Man (1976) 7.3/10

Inhabiting John Schlesinger’s cynical, violent, Jew’s revenge tale MARATHON MAN, borne out of on William Goldman’s eponymous novel, various characters are driven solely by their cupidity (no patriotic motive or political agenda is involved) to enforce do...  (展开)
巴黎柚子姐 2008-08-18 18:22:48



昨晚偶然看到这部片子,因为从上海搬回法国时,把所有DVD的包装都扔了,只剩碟片,所以选片子时好象撞大运,全凭片名和宣传画。这次当然是冲着达斯汀-霍夫曼去的,却真撞上了一部好电影。 首先是故事抓人,悬念片的关键当然就是要紧张,扣人心弦,叫人从头到尾不敢喝水上厕所...  (展开)
