关于JJ Feild 剧中的角色 John Andre
John Andre,美国独立战争时期英国军官,生于1750年5月2日,卒于1780年10月2日。他出生于伦敦,双亲是雨格诺教徒,曾在瑞士日内瓦学习,于1767年回到伦敦。
1774年他被分配到加拿大的皇家燧发手枪团。加拿大St.Johns被大陆军围攻并于1775年11月2日城破,John Adre被俘。作为战俘,他被押解到宾夕法尼亚的Lancaster,在那里他在当地的德国人中结识了很多朋友。
1776年末,他因囚犯交换而回到英国控制的区域后向英国的Howe将军展示了他在作为囚犯被押解的途中绘制的一套详尽的美国大陆军堡垒图。因此Howe将军晋升他为上尉。在Henry Clinton将军取代了Howe成为了英军指挥官后,Andre在1778年11月被任命为Clinton情报机构的负责人。
1779年5月10日,他接到了来自大陆军西点驻军司令Benedict Arnold将军的消息,消息称Arnold愿意将作为纽约哈德逊山谷要塞的西点大陆军堡垒献给英军,并且希望以此换取一万英镑的报酬以及一个在英军中的职位。1779年9月21日,John Andre与Arnold将军会面,拿到了大陆军堡垒地图以及其他的一些军事情报,准备带回交给Clinton将军。
他的遗体被埋在美国直到1818年美国以他的遗体向英国交换在1775年12月魁北克袭击中丧生的Richard Montgomery少将的遗骸。巧合的是,1775年在加拿大俘虏Andre的正是Richard Montgomery的军队。
Birth: May 2, 1750
Death: Oct. 2, 1780
New York, USA
Revolutionary War British Army Officer. Born in London, England to Huguenot parents, he was educated in Geneva, Switzerland, and returned to London in 1767. He was a charismatic and charming man, noted for his manners, and was fluent in French, English, German and Italian. He could draw well, and painted, wrote poetry, and played a flute. After a failed courtship, he joined the British Army, in 1770. He was commissioned a Lieutenant on March 4, 1771, studying in Germany for two years. In 1774, he was assigned to the Royal Fusileers in Canada. During the siege of St. Johns, Canada, by American forces, he was taken prisoner when the city fell on November 2, 1775. As a prisoner of war, he was taken to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where he made many friends among the German locals. At the end of 1776, he was returned to British control during a prisoner exchange, and he presented to British General Howe a compiled set of military drawings of forts that he had travelled through while a prisoner of the Americans. This led General Howe to promote him to Captain. When General Henry Clinton succeeded General Howe as British Commander, Andre was appointed as Clinton's Chief of Intelligence in November 1778. On May 10, 1779, he received word of Benedict Arnold's offer to surrender the fort of West Point, key to the New York Hudson Valley, in return for 10,000 pounds and a commission in the British Army. On September 21, 1779, John Andre met with General Arnold, and obtained maps and other documents about the American forces, to carry to General Clinton. He was then caught by three American freelance soldiers just a few miles from British-held New York City. Imprisoned in Tappan, New York, he is court-martialed and found guilty of spying on September 29, 1780, and was hung on October 2, 1780, despite his request to be executed by firing squad. His body lay in American soil until 1818, when it was exchanged for the remains of Continental Major General Richard Montgomery, whose forces had captured Major Andre in Canada, and who was killed in the American assault on Quebec in December 1775.
John Andre,美国独立战争时期英国军官,生于1750年5月2日,卒于1780年10月2日。他出生于伦敦,双亲是雨格诺教徒,曾在瑞士日内瓦学习,于1767年回到伦敦。
1774年他被分配到加拿大的皇家燧发手枪团。加拿大St.Johns被大陆军围攻并于1775年11月2日城破,John Adre被俘。作为战俘,他被押解到宾夕法尼亚的Lancaster,在那里他在当地的德国人中结识了很多朋友。
1776年末,他因囚犯交换而回到英国控制的区域后向英国的Howe将军展示了他在作为囚犯被押解的途中绘制的一套详尽的美国大陆军堡垒图。因此Howe将军晋升他为上尉。在Henry Clinton将军取代了Howe成为了英军指挥官后,Andre在1778年11月被任命为Clinton情报机构的负责人。
1779年5月10日,他接到了来自大陆军西点驻军司令Benedict Arnold将军的消息,消息称Arnold愿意将作为纽约哈德逊山谷要塞的西点大陆军堡垒献给英军,并且希望以此换取一万英镑的报酬以及一个在英军中的职位。1779年9月21日,John Andre与Arnold将军会面,拿到了大陆军堡垒地图以及其他的一些军事情报,准备带回交给Clinton将军。
他的遗体被埋在美国直到1818年美国以他的遗体向英国交换在1775年12月魁北克袭击中丧生的Richard Montgomery少将的遗骸。巧合的是,1775年在加拿大俘虏Andre的正是Richard Montgomery的军队。
Birth: May 2, 1750
Death: Oct. 2, 1780
New York, USA
Revolutionary War British Army Officer. Born in London, England to Huguenot parents, he was educated in Geneva, Switzerland, and returned to London in 1767. He was a charismatic and charming man, noted for his manners, and was fluent in French, English, German and Italian. He could draw well, and painted, wrote poetry, and played a flute. After a failed courtship, he joined the British Army, in 1770. He was commissioned a Lieutenant on March 4, 1771, studying in Germany for two years. In 1774, he was assigned to the Royal Fusileers in Canada. During the siege of St. Johns, Canada, by American forces, he was taken prisoner when the city fell on November 2, 1775. As a prisoner of war, he was taken to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where he made many friends among the German locals. At the end of 1776, he was returned to British control during a prisoner exchange, and he presented to British General Howe a compiled set of military drawings of forts that he had travelled through while a prisoner of the Americans. This led General Howe to promote him to Captain. When General Henry Clinton succeeded General Howe as British Commander, Andre was appointed as Clinton's Chief of Intelligence in November 1778. On May 10, 1779, he received word of Benedict Arnold's offer to surrender the fort of West Point, key to the New York Hudson Valley, in return for 10,000 pounds and a commission in the British Army. On September 21, 1779, John Andre met with General Arnold, and obtained maps and other documents about the American forces, to carry to General Clinton. He was then caught by three American freelance soldiers just a few miles from British-held New York City. Imprisoned in Tappan, New York, he is court-martialed and found guilty of spying on September 29, 1780, and was hung on October 2, 1780, despite his request to be executed by firing squad. His body lay in American soil until 1818, when it was exchanged for the remains of Continental Major General Richard Montgomery, whose forces had captured Major Andre in Canada, and who was killed in the American assault on Quebec in December 1775.