我就覺得說Lucas Bryant怎麽有點眼熟,他當年是美版QAF裏面那誰的母親大人的小男朋友啊~那一笑跟當年沒走樣>
這劇好像有戲獲S2預訂了,還不知道是先訂了幾集。不過我是想,既然已經跟小説完全不一樣了,乾脆就痛快給個答案吧。不要再走小説裏面那個“答案”了。雖然我蠻喜歡斯蒂芬·金回答讀者問的時候說的:King directly addresses his readers in an intriguing and persuasive afterword to The Colorado Kid wherein he states that people everywhere “live in a web of mystery, and have simply gotten so used to the fact that we have crossed out the word and replaced it with one we like better… reality.”
這劇好像有戲獲S2預訂了,還不知道是先訂了幾集。不過我是想,既然已經跟小説完全不一樣了,乾脆就痛快給個答案吧。不要再走小説裏面那個“答案”了。雖然我蠻喜歡斯蒂芬·金回答讀者問的時候說的:King directly addresses his readers in an intriguing and persuasive afterword to The Colorado Kid wherein he states that people everywhere “live in a web of mystery, and have simply gotten so used to the fact that we have crossed out the word and replaced it with one we like better… reality.”