
缝扣子 sew buttons on my shirts
做演讲 give a speech about
一切天翻地覆 all hell broke loose
马上就会 will / is going to …. any second
破坏气氛 spoil the mood
我带你们转转 I’ll give you the grand tour.
停车场 a car park(英) parking lot(美)
爱看同样的电影 You and I have the same taste in movies.
头发被拉链夹住了 the zipper gets caught in my hair
我从没留意过那些 I never notice stuff like that.
上辈子 in a past life
疏远 pull away from Sb
没有安全感 be/feel insecure
负责某任务 be in charge of Sth
做好应对后果的准备 be prepared to deal with the consequences
网红 influencers
等它晾凉 give it a moment to cool off
那也算 It still counts as Sth
她在用奇怪的眼神看我 She is giving me odd looks.
小点声 lower your voice
我给你准备了礼物 I got you a present.
我吓坏了 I was so freaked out (by Sth) / I was so scared (of Sth)
我没想到/我没指望 I wasn't expecting …
向着他 take his side / be on his side
情况还未成定局 The situation is not so cut and dried.
我想了一整夜 I was up all night thinking about Sth
见面客套 I’ve heard a lot of wonderful things about your work.
不辜负你的期望 I hope I live up to your expectations.
在AB之间选择了A choose A over B
Sb/Sth并不像表面看上去那样 There is more to Sb/Sth than meets the eye.
奉承,拍马屁 I was/kept sucking up to Sb.
顺道拜访 drop by
统计人数 do a head count
我总是梦想… I’ve always dreamed of doing …
我不在的时候 while I was away
注定要发生 It was bound to happen.
装作没看见 look the other way
非常了解 I have insight into Sth
忘乎所以 be/get carried away
剪刘海 trim the fringe(英)bangs(美)
吹嘘 brag (to Sb) about Sth
熬通宵 pull an all-nighter
收拾烂摊子 clean up the mess
我不是有意 I don’t mean to do …
我不能抑制住…的冲动 I can’t suppress the impulse to do …
使某人高兴起来 cheer Sb up
我觉得身体不舒服 I’m feeling under the weather.
将储蓄债券兑现 cash in the savings bond
给我暗中通风报信 tip me off
还清债务 pay off the debts/loan
合伙对付 gang up on Sb
试着和他讲道理 try to reason with Sb
说服某人做某事 talk Sb into doing ... / persuade Sb to do ...
使他明白 get through to someone
犒劳自己 treat yourself
当这笔钱进账 when the money come through
我别无选择了 I'm out of options.
利用,占便宜 take advantage of Sb/Sth
吃相难看 It is not a good look to do
户外垃圾桶 dustbin(英)trash can(美)
冷不丁想到 An idea suddenly popped into my head.
A比B更适合你 A suits you better than B.
被卷进争端/无辜牵连 be caught in the crossfire
我不会还手 I won’t fight back.
放过他/别把他卷进来 leave him alone / leave him out of it.
肋骨骨折了 The ribs are fractured.
过得更好 Sb be better off
瞬间,立即 immediately=instantly
我们扯平了 we are even.
点外卖 order takeout
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Tommy:I'm not ashamed to love you.
Simone:I don't regret one moment we shared.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
竞争很激烈:The competition is fierce.
你觉得我有希望吗:Do you think I have any hope of doing ...
别抱太大希望:Don't get your hopes up.
当我没说:Forget I mentioned it.
在小饭馆随便吃点:grab a bite at the diner
你鞋带松了:Your shoelace is undone.
我该怎么做:How would/should I go about doing ...
使希望破灭,泼冷水:burst one's bubble
同类人:their own kind
打扮得漂漂亮亮:doll sb/yourself up
进展如何?How is Sth coming along?
精打细算, 吝啬:pinch pennies
进行消防安全演习:conduct a fire safety drill
我正要回家:I was just about to head home.
崇拜,敬仰:look up to Sb
我会补偿你的:I'll make it up to you.
顺其自然:let nature take its course
凤凰男/女:a fortune hunter / gold digger
让人很奇怪:It feels odd doing …
打包带走:Can I get some sandwiches to go?
装扮成:dress up as + n
在背后:behind my back
打起精神,振作起来:pull yourself together
去你家(非正式拜访):drop by (your home)
突击检查:a surprise inspection
屋子乱成一团糟。My room is a mess.
全家福照片:the portrait of my family
神来之笔:Sth is a stroke of genius. / It's a stroke of genius to do ...
我不会再上当了:I'm not falling for that again.
感觉像中彩票一样:I feel like I've won the lottery.
装腔作势:put on airs
话痨:a chatterbox
脸色苍白:You look pale.
你发过誓你会… You gave me your solem vow you'd do Sth
精神崩溃:have a mental breakdown
你在搞什么(尤指干坏事)What are you up to?
被迫,不得不:be forced to do ...
造成破坏:wreak havoc (on Sth) / played havoc (with Sth)
出去散步:go for a stroll / take a stroll
熟练,精通:I know my way around Sth.
我搞混了:I've got mixed up.
搞混:mix A up with B / mix up Sths
恨你入骨:hate your guts
恶作剧:a prank
拿...出气:take it out on Sb
通融一下:bend the rules
总数:a/the grand total
卸下防备:let the guard down
夜猫子:a night owl
按汽车喇叭:honk the horn
我一直很担心:I've been so concerned about Sth
你们利益诉求不一致:Your interests and hers don't align.
拿…举例:take Sb/Sth for instance
低调:lay low
诱骗某人做某事:trick Sb into sth/doing
你怎么还有脸…:you have the nerve to do ...
看不上:I don't think much of Sb
背后捅刀:stab Sb in the back
分享我的喜悦:share in my joy
渡过难关:get over this hurdle
担责,背锅:take the blame