These are true tales of the peasants: Zhang takes her son with her to work in the city, leaving two daughters behind. Incidentally, the older daughter can't wait to follow in her mother's footsteps. Yang buys her children urban residence permits with the compensation fo...
These are true tales of the peasants: Zhang takes her son with her to work in the city, leaving two daughters behind. Incidentally, the older daughter can't wait to follow in her mother's footsteps. Yang buys her children urban residence permits with the compensation for the death of her husband. Schooling in the city turns out to be so expensive that her older daughter has to drop out and earn her own living while Yang continues to work hard to pay for her younger son's tuition.
换城的短评 · · · · · · ( 全部 88 条 )
4 有用 西决 看过 2013-12-23 03:50:08
2 有用 葫芦香不香 看过 2012-11-25 01:31:02
0 有用 影子 看过 2013-09-02 08:50:54
0 有用 憫慈 看过 2019-04-26 08:19:10
3 有用 咕咕鸡 看过 2013-12-22 18:49:04
是一个讲两个母亲为了儿子牺牲女儿的故事。不喜欢上班到四点的女儿回家睡觉时母亲与儿子聊天丝毫不降低音量,也不喜欢要钱的语气。- 母亲说如果留在家里日子也是能过的,不过不能过的更好,然后她将两个女儿留在了家里。