The manga by Yuji Takemura had 10 volumes and the series ended in November 2021. Drama in the samurai period and deals with war, love and honour. Baian is a killer who only dispatches those he thinks deserve a premature death. In the meantime, he uses his work as acupuncturist to hide his real activity. About this character, television series and at least 4 features were alread...
The manga by Yuji Takemura had 10 volumes and the series ended in November 2021. Drama in the samurai period and deals with war, love and honour. Baian is a killer who only dispatches those he thinks deserve a premature death. In the meantime, he uses his work as acupuncturist to hide his real activity. About this character, television series and at least 4 features were already made, with the main role played by well-known Ken Ogata or Ken Watanabe.
处刑人藤枝梅安2的短评 · · · · · · ( 全部 77 条 )
3 有用 终于可以改名了 看过 2023-06-10 15:59:07 上海
万事因果缘分,故事咬着故事,螳螂捕蝉一样环环相扣。上海电影节百丽宫影院,长达4小时的一二部合集,彩蛋结束时,全场观众还坐在椅子上,再是自发的鼓掌。我们终于迎来了pass疫情时代。 就像那个爱喝酒的病人老伯,"因为爱喝酒,来找梅安医生针灸。但是"又因为针灸",让梅安医生远走""哪件才是更糟糕的事呢?"
3 有用 黑貓十一 看过 2023-06-10 17:30:30 上海
1 有用 酱油 看过 2023-06-10 19:00:44 上海
上海电影节2023观影。两部连看还是有些疲劳 不过第二部的故事也算是精彩。最后还有个鬼平的彩蛋 不知道有没有机会明年在电影节看到呢。
3 有用 最爱司马 看过 2023-06-10 20:16:11 上海
1 有用 fwtzzl 看过 2023-06-19 12:37:59 上海