Darkside Blues (Japanese: ダークサイド・ブルース, Hepburn: Dākusaido Burūsu) is a manga series by Hideyuki Kikuchi. The story has been adapted into an anime film directed by Yoshimichi Furukawa. The film was originally licensed by Central Park Media and then later licensed by ADV Films.
The story involves the town of Kabuki-cho, home of a resistance faction called Messiah. In the futurist...
Darkside Blues (Japanese: ダークサイド・ブルース, Hepburn: Dākusaido Burūsu) is a manga series by Hideyuki Kikuchi. The story has been adapted into an anime film directed by Yoshimichi Furukawa. The film was originally licensed by Central Park Media and then later licensed by ADV Films.
The story involves the town of Kabuki-cho, home of a resistance faction called Messiah. In the futuristic setting, Kabuki-cho is one of the last places of freedom because the Persona Century Corporation has taken control of the majority of the Earth. Kabuki-cho is hence known as "The Dark Side of Tokyo". Furthermore, a mysterious stranger called Darkside appears to protect the citizens of Kabuki-cho.
黑暗边缘的短评 · · · · · · ( 全部 127 条 )
12 有用 小爱 看过 2018-10-28 20:33:43
15 有用 zeroasd123 看过 2013-06-17 12:58:38
6 有用 kylegun 看过 2020-08-13 22:38:08
黑暗次元心理治疗师马车凌空过,异能权贵大家族卫星垄断地球,大学生革命军,生化杀手,功夫不良混混,齐聚人世唯一自由不法之地:新宿废土城。Darkside Blues 是真有好听的 Blues ,不错
0 有用 苍穹的幻想 看过 2024-03-23 22:27:04 江苏
3 有用 Syfannn 看过 2022-07-29 12:07:19