鹰眼 第4集 的全部讨论

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关于第4集 · · · · · ·

  • 本集名称: 搭档,我这样对么?
  • 本集原名: Partners,Am I Right?
  • 剧情简介: 前几集谜团中的关键嫌疑人的秘密被揭开,而关于鹰眼和他过去的残酷真相也逐渐浮出水面。但随着克林特和凯特的伙伴关系终于开始发展,他们试图揭露更多故事的努力导致了一场惊人而混乱的战斗,而不是对抗一个,而是两个对立的势力。


    Secrets are revealed abou
    ... t a key suspect in the mystery, while hard truths emerge about Hawkeye and his past. But as Clint and Kate’s partnership finally takes off, their efforts to uncover more of the story result in a stunning and confusing battle against not one, but two opposing forces. 更多»