'A User's Guide to Cheating Death' is a documentary series that casts light on increasingly controversial procedures, diets and revived ancient therapies that are being sought by people desperate to dramatically alter their bodies or radically improve their health, and the booming industries that are more than happy to accept their business. Health law professor, writer and deb...
'A User's Guide to Cheating Death' is a documentary series that casts light on increasingly controversial procedures, diets and revived ancient therapies that are being sought by people desperate to dramatically alter their bodies or radically improve their health, and the booming industries that are more than happy to accept their business. Health law professor, writer and debunker-extraordinaire Timothy Caulfield dives deep into the science, and the social issues behind today's cutting-edge health trends in order to separate the truly good advice from the excess of high- priced placebos.
雖說確實reveal了很多各種靠噱頭和吹捧成為網紅/潮流的療法和歪理 which is not scientifically approved 但態度似乎是有點太過憤青太過極端 誠然這種節目確實應該打擊亂七八糟的偏方 但請別太mocking 擺出實質證據好嗎 要是還沒證據就說都還只是片面之詞就好 過於憤青受眾相對會少很多的。。btw結論來得實在是有點突兀囉。。這樣看來感覺有點虎頭蛇尾
用户手册之欺骗死亡的短评 · · · · · · ( 全部 7 条 )
0 有用 不是很小的小琳 看过 2019-01-07 10:34:36
表面上假装客观,实际上一直在暗示所有holistic solution是骗人的。感觉是收了某些大企业的钱故意做出来误导消费者的。
0 有用 Hayden Chen 看过 2019-02-08 05:45:14
Me against the world
1 有用 北境收养办主任 看过 2018-11-14 23:31:59
0 有用 银妖桑 看过 2021-02-02 22:36:15
0 有用 _ 看过 2019-07-03 23:34:19
雖說確實reveal了很多各種靠噱頭和吹捧成為網紅/潮流的療法和歪理 which is not scientifically approved 但態度似乎是有點太過憤青太過極端 誠然這種節目確實應該打擊亂七八糟的偏方 但請別太mocking 擺出實質證據好嗎 要是還沒證據就說都還只是片面之詞就好 過於憤青受眾相對會少很多的。。btw結論來得實在是有點突兀囉。。這樣看來感覺有點虎頭蛇尾