地球脉动 第二季 第4集 的全部讨论 (10)

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关于第4集 · · · · · ·

  • 本集名称: 沙漠
  • 本集原名: Deserts
  • 剧情简介: The world's deserts are lands of extremes that force animals to come up with ingenious ways of coping with hostile conditions, giving rise to the most ... incredible survival stories on earth.
    A pride of desert lions are so hungry they risk hunting a giraffe several times their size, while male sandgrouse fly 120 miles each day to the nearest waterhole and dice with death to collect water for their chicks.
    Filmed for the first time, a tiny bat does battle with one of the world's deadliest scorpions, and in Madagascar, a locust swarm of biblical proportions is seen as never before.