诈欺担保人 第一季 第9集 的全部讨论

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还没有人谈过"诈欺担保人 第一季"。来做第一个。

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关于第9集 · · · · · ·

  • 本集名称: 神转折
  • 本集原名: The Turn
  • 剧情简介: When Otto's solo plan ends with a dead man on the floor of the bail bonds office, Otto, Marius, and Lance are left at the mercy of BBB's dangerous cli ... ent Dockery, who wants his collateral money back- and no more excuses. After searching the farm house (with the kids and Carly) detective Winslow shows up at the bail bonds for Marius. Dockery allows Winslow to take Marius. Dockery takes Lance and the dead body and tells Otto he wants his money back. No one knows that Marius has the $150,000 on him. Winslow takes Marius into the woods, plans on killing him and keeping ... 更多»