司徒囧每日秀 第十九季 短评

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0 9 Crimes 看过 2020-08-26 10:13:33


0 severusn.V 看过 2018-11-30 00:23:31

"You and I both famously know we were turd miners. We toiled in the turd mines. We both lost many people close to us to ‘turd lung.’ It’s been a terrible thing. So working at The Daily Show I felt as though I was toiling in the turd mines. And then I finally quit, and a giant turd asteroid heads toward the planet. Now, in that instance, if someone said, ‘You were a turd miner. This is the largest turd deposit ever seen. Don’t you wish you were in there?’ And you’re just like, ‘I’m out of the turd business. I’m out.’" 'Cable twins'

0 Elanor 看过 2018-11-29 13:37:24

高中每次压力大都会找各种欧美脱口秀和综艺来看,很长时间的快乐源泉,更多的是通过美式幽默让我体会到一种更为轻松的生活状态 还记得高考完暑假深夜很有感触写下的好几页的日记 后来囧司徒退休就不太看了 之前做测试说我和扣熊是一种性格类型,想了想确实好有道理,而且怪不得我们都热爱中土和星战

0 疾走 看过 2017-08-10 09:43:12

You just can't put together a cast like this anymore.

0 腐花儿 看过 2017-01-24 18:58:26


1 Justina 看过 2016-12-23 10:20:05


0 Liz 看过 2015-12-14 15:41:50


1 hungry 看过 2015-08-20 21:48:54


0 eden在逃莉莉丝 看过 2015-05-08 21:35:11


0 Marvely 看过 2014-12-31 05:53:58

keep up the great work

0 timguoqk 看过 2014-06-21 18:28:41


0 Whatever 看过 2014-05-01 16:42:41


0 zykmilan 看过 2014-04-15 00:28:37


2 NARUMI 看过 2014-04-06 19:31:46

囧司徒开篇谈其节目的本质是observer:讽刺是自主持人起的精神宣泄。深知每件事都是错的,却不知路在何方。怪不得我把囧司徒和彪马叔都放在欣赏的人里:和我多么相似的人生定位。 http://www.quanmei.tv/videolist-id-11369.html

1 厚眼皮 看过 2014-02-11 17:29:54


0 saucccerman 看过 2014-01-16 23:13:49
