开膛街 第二季 第6集 的全部讨论

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关于第6集 · · · · · ·

  • 本集名称: 美丽新世界
  • 本集原名: A Stronger, Loving World
  • 剧情简介: A church is fire-bombed and Jews are blamed, leading to an attack on a synagogue though Reid suspects that one person is trying to create a religious ... war. At the same time Drake's wife Bella vanishes, reappearing with Gabriel Cain, apparently her recently deceased uncle whilst prostitute Rose leaves Susan's brothel and is befriended by a sect living in a squat. Reid discovers that Cain is not Bella's uncle but the self-appointed head of the suicidal cult who have adopted Rose and he must stop them from further atrocities as well as rescuing Bennet from their clutches. 更多»