Noah: My Dearest Allie. I couldn't sleep last night because I know that it's over between us. I'm not bitter anymore, because I know that what we had was real. And if in some distant place in the future we see each other in our new lives, I'll smile at you ...
之前听过一句话“if you believe love at first sight, you'll be looking". 在那年的夏天,两个懵懂的年轻人就这么的相遇了。当Noah看到Alle的那一瞬间,他就似乎看到了他的一生。他很勇敢的抓住了他的命运。 两个人轰轰烈烈的相爱了,在充满欢笑的夏天里。在Alle眼里,Noah...
很久以前,无意中看到MTV的颁奖上面,美国的年轻人们把“最佳亲吻奖”颁给了THE NOTEBOOK,所以,今天看了……只觉得,难道romances are only kisses?我不知道这个电影的编剧是怎么想的,爱情幻想狂?这整个故事从开始到结束,只能用一个字来形容:俗! 1,诺亚除了开场的时候...