亲爱的妈咪的影评 (2)

Deborahah 2022-01-03 21:29:28

恩恩怨怨何时了She never wanted to be loved

Joan Crawford has worked hard all her life. However she has not left a single cent for Christina or Christopher, quoted "for the reasons well-known to them". My first reaction is to doubt whether her net worth is negative, given her pursuit of certain glamo...  (展开)
玉弓 2017-04-13 21:22:59


"No wire hangers, forever!"(不许用铁丝衣架,永远不许!)当费·唐娜薇对她那被收养的、可怜的女儿声嘶力竭地咆哮的时候,她脸上擦的白色面膜已经一塌糊涂。《亲爱的妈咪》简直是一部恐怖片,片中的恶魔就是大名鼎鼎的好莱坞明星琼·克劳馥。这句可笑又可怕的台词长期被评为...  (展开)
