Okay, I'm going to ask you something. Were you actually ever in love with me? Yes. I... I think so. I mean, I certainly loved the idea of us. 'Cause I could have made it work. I could've. When I said I wanted to be monogamous with you, I meant it. I didn't want you to make a promise you couldn't keep. Fuck you. How'd you know I wouldn't keep it. Anyway, that's not why we broke up. We weren't right for each other. No, no no, no, no, no, no. How do you know that? I just did. I... I do. But you-- you didn't even try. You didn't even try. You moved in one day, you moved out the next. You didn't even fucking unpack. Listen, I admit that I handled that horribly, Yes,but I apologize for that. And... (sighs) Isn't it better to quit rather than drag out something that you know won't work? Okay, well, in a nutshell, there's your problem. What is? You, you, you. You quit, you run away. You don't take risks, ever. What are you talking about? I moved in with you. No, no, no, no, no. Patrick, the risk would have been trying to make it work. The risk would have been putting in the hard graft to make it work. Now, I-- I don't want to seem like a cunt,but you are a coward. Oh, I don't think that's fair. I couldn't trust you anymore. And I-- I don't know what hard graft means, but I don't think I've been a coward at all. Okay, well, I think the facts tell a very different story. Would a coward have moved to a different city? A new job? Left everything behind? You-- you basically moved home. And are you sure you didn't run away and not move away? They're two very different things. And what next? What next for Patrick Murray? Huh? When that doesn't work out, I'll bet you a million dollars, you're already looking for the next thing. You are. I know you. You run away and you are a coward. You were a coward with me. You were a coward with Richie. Enough, Kevin. Jesus. You hit a few potholes in the road and instead of trying to navigate through it, you slam your brakes on, you start crying and you run the other direction. Why would you do that for me? Seriously. After...everything? Well, because despite everything, Patrick, I just want you to be happy, man. Why? Why? 'Cause I love you. Look, don't stay in Denver. Come back. And you can take that from someone who moves around to constantly avoid dealing with things. It never works, but I think you know that already. 《桥头风景》时 RT 有次接受采访被问到在《寻》第二季最后为什么对 Patrick 那么渣,他反驳到你在一段外遇中认识的我,你应该清楚我是怎样的人,你应该清楚自己在做什么,但 Patrick 的应对显然不够成熟。 主持人辩不过只好说 “我们百老汇这群人就是看不得 Jonathan Groff 不开心嘛。” 现在看完电影才意识到 RT 对角色的理解一直都是对的。大家觉得 Kevin 渣是因为最后是他用一个吻打破暧昧的,但这不能代表 Patrick 就是两人中更无辜的那个。之前的搭讪、加班、基友助攻等也不能让人家装傻装不懂。 Kevin 和 Jon 分手后在门口等了一晚上,问 Patrick 愿不愿意给两人一个机会的时候,Patrick 毫不犹豫的答应了。但对 Kevin 来说,真正的 take a shot 是 take a risk,是离开相处两年的男友,是搬到一起住,是遇到问题时试图解决,是在对方的要求下尝试成为更好的自己而非瞬间变身为对方理想中的自己。Patrick 的逃避显然是不够成熟的。Patrick 说的 “我无法相信你了” 是个很好的理由,但是 Kevin 在咖啡厅说的每一句也都一针见血。 开始觉得一段对话就洗白了编剧好厉害... 后来才知道结局是一开始就定好的,再回头听两个人刚在一起时那首结尾配乐的歌词都是和最终的人设相呼应的: Sweetheart may not be easy But we're trying hard to hold on Trying to make it better And I said baby you set my soul on fire I got two little arms To hold on tight and I wanna take it higher Baby you never should say never I got a hurricane inside my veins and I wanna stay forever 虽然没在一起但还是觉得 Kevin 和 Patrick 这对已经是剧里所有关系中设定和刻画的最深入完整的。