Insurgent 分歧者2:绝地反击(2015)
说实话,去年看完Divergent(分歧者:异类觉醒)的时候其实并没有任何特别的感觉,或许是同类型的故事实在看了太多,而Divergent也并没有那么突出。所以当第二部Insurgent(分歧者2:绝地反击)上映了以后,当看到大家都说Insurgent不好看以后,看这部电影的计划的确是搁置了好长一阵,直到最近,闲暇时终于看了Insurgent这部电影,我个人倒是觉得第二部的故事性比第一部更强,为啥大家不喜欢?为啥评分反而会比第一部低呢?难道真的是因为短发的女主Shailene Woodley长得跟郭MM太像的缘故么……囧!
接着上一部Divergent的故事,Tris(Shailene Woodley饰演)和Four(Theo James饰演)一行人逃到了友好派的聚居地,却还是遭到博学派领导人Jeanine(Kate Winslet饰演)和无畏派的追杀,而另一方面Jeanine也在抓捕分歧者进行着目的不明的试验,Tris和Four的前路变得更加不明朗。
"This is what happens to people that get close to me. They get hurt or they die. I can't forgive myself."——Insurgent, 2015
"I'm not brave, Mom. I pretend that I am. I want people to think that I am, but I'm not. I'm really, really scared and... Maybe we are, actually, what's wrong in this world. Divergents. I never wanted any of this. You and dad and Caleb and Four. I can't help but think that if I was normal. We would all still be together. Mom, I don't want to be Divergent anymore. I just want to feel safe again."——Insurgent, 2015
看完Insurgent后,我对第三部Allegiant有了更多的期待。稍微在网上搜了一下原著小说的介绍,第三部的剧情似乎又出现了转折,而且故事也似乎有着一个纠结的结局。期待着预定在2016与2017上映的Allegiant: Part 1和Part 2会给我带来怎样的惊喜。
接着上一部Divergent的故事,Tris(Shailene Woodley饰演)和Four(Theo James饰演)一行人逃到了友好派的聚居地,却还是遭到博学派领导人Jeanine(Kate Winslet饰演)和无畏派的追杀,而另一方面Jeanine也在抓捕分歧者进行着目的不明的试验,Tris和Four的前路变得更加不明朗。
"This is what happens to people that get close to me. They get hurt or they die. I can't forgive myself."——Insurgent, 2015
"I'm not brave, Mom. I pretend that I am. I want people to think that I am, but I'm not. I'm really, really scared and... Maybe we are, actually, what's wrong in this world. Divergents. I never wanted any of this. You and dad and Caleb and Four. I can't help but think that if I was normal. We would all still be together. Mom, I don't want to be Divergent anymore. I just want to feel safe again."——Insurgent, 2015
看完Insurgent后,我对第三部Allegiant有了更多的期待。稍微在网上搜了一下原著小说的介绍,第三部的剧情似乎又出现了转折,而且故事也似乎有着一个纠结的结局。期待着预定在2016与2017上映的Allegiant: Part 1和Part 2会给我带来怎样的惊喜。