关于Mary突然被吸走--Why Mary’s shock exit had to happen
作者:Michael Hogan
"She was there and then she was not there.”
鬼屋情景喜剧《古宅老友记》在2022年10 月 14 日播出的一集中迎来了个令人惊讶的悲伤转折--一位鬼魂离开了我们。
这集“GONE GONE”刚播出没几分钟,女巫审判受害者Mary(Katy Wix 演得太棒了)突然沐浴在金色光芒中,升天了。
童子军队长Pat(Jim Howick 饰)安慰天真的贵族Kitty(Lolly Adefope 饰),光屁股的保守党议员Julian(Simon Farnaby 饰)变得非常激动;陆军军官Captain( Ben Willbond 饰)装作忙碌以逃避思绪;浪漫诗人Thomas(Mathew Baynton 饰)一如既往地把一切变成以自我为中心;就连Lady Fanny(Martha Howe-Douglas饰)不动如山的上唇都颤抖了。
这似乎是我们最后一次见到玛丽了,她已然是《古宅老友记》粉丝的最爱。 她是一位 17 世纪的西部乡村农妇,每次她使用复数单词(如“I smells burnings”)时都会增添一分喜剧效果。 她非常迷信婚礼吊袜带和砸蛋糕。 她称电视摄像机为“独眼金属牛one-eyed metal cows”,鸡尾酒为“魔鬼的饮料the devil's juice”,天鹅为“路西法的走狗Lucifer's lackeys”。
在斯图亚特时期,因为歉收,男性村民甩锅给Mary,诬陷她为女巫并把她烧死在了火刑柱上。 结果她的脸上永远沾满了灰,而且经常一股焦味。 如果她经过生者身边,他们就能闻到烤面包的味道。 “她已经安息了”,Pat向泪流满面的Kitty保证。
该剧的幕后主创们—由Baynton, Howe-Douglas, Farnaby, Howick, Willbond和Laurence Rickard组成的《糟糕的历史》团队——告诉本站(RadioTimes.com):“我们很幸运能有Katy Wix和我们一起在Button古宅度过了快乐的四季。 她出人意料地为玛丽这个角色注入了生命,只有Katy才能做到这点,让Mary成为了一个如此独特、搞笑和受欢迎的角色。我们很难过看到她离开,但迫不及待地想看看她接下来会做些什么 ”。
为什么她是第一个升天的主角?这很可能是Wix的工作量问题。需要她的地方越来越多——她出演的电视剧角色包括了《热血废柴中介》中的Carole、《温莎王朝》中的Fergie和《大男孩》中Jules。她的写作生涯也前程似锦,去年出版了备受赞誉的回忆录《Delicacy》,目前她正在与人合写《Fat Camp》,一部关于儿童减肥的喜剧,她也将在其中出演。
Mary一角使写作团队能够巧妙地探讨性别歧视和厌女的主题。由于惨死,她非常腼腆且心灵深受创伤。两集前,她终于鼓起勇气讲述了自己的故事。我们看到了她是如何被不公正地处决的。在她精力充沛的亡灵朋友、清教徒Annie(Bridget Christie 饰)的帮助下,她终于学会了表达内心。“现在我们自由了,”Annie告诉她,“这可比我们一生都自由得多。”
当Annie离开自己时,Mary看着她百感交集,喃喃自语道:“真够幸运(Lucky cow) 。” 事实上,这部剧此前一直在"狡猾地"在为Mary升天做铺垫。当她的鬼魂同伴们短暂地担心穴居人Robin(Rickard 饰)升天时,Mary就说过:“他被吸走了,这个幸运的乞丐。”
现在轮到Mary成为那个令人窒息、催人泪下的情节转折了。在意识到她的鬼魂朋友们正在努力接受Mary的离开时,房东Alison(Charlotte Ritchie 饰)决定举行一场追悼会。正如她所解释的:“这不是她生命的终结,而是她来生的终结。It's not the end of her life but it is the end of her afterlife.”
Alison和Thomas收集了一些物品来帮助他们记住她:Mary的素描画像,一根茴香(她最喜欢的蔬菜,像个花哨的洋葱),一本封面上有她心爱的"Loose Womens"的杂志,一张Alison的丈夫Mike(Kiell Smith-Bynoe 饰)的镶框照片,大家都知道玛丽迷恋他。Alison把这些都放在一个“五个土豆高”的柳条篮里,就像Mary坚持认为的这是篮子该有的样子那样,然后把这些埋在了她最喜欢的树下。
Button古宅的大家都落泪了...嗯...直到他们的短暂默哀被屋里儿童生日派对上飘来的Black Lace和江南Style的旋律打断。鬼魂们很快就来到了舞池,因为“Mary会希望我们玩得开心的”。作为一个讲述亡灵的电视剧,《古宅老友记》肯定了积极向上的生活态度。
"It's Mary. She's gone. She was there and then she was not there. All very sudden. A whoosh and then poof!"
Haunted house sitcom Ghosts took a surprise sad turn in tonight's episode (Friday 14th October) when one of the spectres left the building.
Just minutes into the poignantly titled Gone Gone, witch trial victim Mary (brilliantly played by Katy Wix) was suddenly bathed in golden light before ascending into the afterlife. Her last word was a heartbreaking "Ooh" as she gently floated up through the ceiling.
The other Button House ghosts were left open-mouthed and it wasn't long before they found themselves in a tailspin. Scoutmaster Pat (Jim Howick) comforted naive noblewoman Kitty (Lolly Adefope); trouser-less Tory MP Julian (Simon Farnaby) saw red; army officer The Captain (Ben Willbond) kept busy to avoid thinking about it; romantic poet Thomas (Mathew Baynton) made it all about him, as usual; even the stiff upper lip of Lady Fanny (Martha Howe-Douglas) wobbled.
It seems that's the last we've seen of Mary, who has become a firm favourite of Ghosts fans. She was the 17th century West Country peasant woman who added comic relief every time she pluralised random words ("I smells burnings"). She was deeply superstitious about wedding garters and lucky cake-throwing. She called TV cameras "one-eyed metal cows", cocktails "the devil's juice" and swans "Lucifer's lackeys".
Way back in the Stuart era, Mary was cynically blamed by male villagers for a poor harvest, falsely accused of witchcraft and burnt at the stake. As a result, her face was forever smeared with soot and she constantly smouldered. The living could smell toast if she passed through them. "She's at peace now," Pat reassured the tearful Kitty.
The masterminds behind the show - the Horrible Histories gang of Baynton, Howe-Douglas, Farnaby, Howick, Willbond and Laurence Rickard - told RadioTimes.com: "We were so lucky to have Katy Wix with us in Button House for four fun-filled series. She, ironically, breathed life into the role of Mary, as only Katy could, making her into such a unique, hilarious and popular character. We're sad to see her go but can't wait to see what she does next."
Why did she become the first main character to move on? It might well have been a workload issue for Wix. She's increasingly in demand – her CV includes Carole in Stath Lets Flats, Fergie in The Windsors and Jules in Big Boys. She has a flourishing writing career, having published acclaimed memoir Delicacy last year, and she's currently co-writing Fat Camp, a comedy series about a children's weight loss retreat, in which she'll also star.
While this is the end of the road for Mary, there's plenty more to come from Wix.
Viewers will miss Mary too, but at least she was given a worthy send-off.
Despite its supernatural silliness and high gag rate, Ghosts is frequently unexpectedly affecting – see the episodes about Thomas's death in a duel, Fanny's murder at the hands of her husband, or The Captain's unrequited love for his wartime lieutenant. This was definitely one of those bittersweet moments. In fact, Mary's departure was the most moving storyline yet.
Her character allowed the writing team to subtly explore themes of sexism and misogyny. Because of Mary's horrific death, she was painfully shy and traumatised. Two episodes ago, she finally plucked up the courage to tell her story. We saw how she was unjustly executed and belatedly learned to speak her mind with the help of her feisty undead friend, Puritan housemaid Annie (Bridget Christie). "Now we're free," Annie told her. "More than we ever were in life."
When Annie moved on herself, Mary watched her go with mixed feelings, muttering: "Lucky cow." Indeed, the show has been slyly laying the groundwork for Mary's own exit all series. When her fellow ghosts briefly feared that caveman Robin (Rickard) had passed over first, Mary said: "He’s been sucked off, the lucky beggar."
Now it was Mary's turn in a gasp-inducing, tear-jerking plot twist. After realising that her spirit friends were struggling to process their loss, landlady Alison (Charlotte Ritchie) decided to hold a memorial service. As she explained: "It's not the end of her life but it is the end of her afterlife."
Alison and Thomas gathered items to help them remember her: the sketched portrait of Mary, a bulb of fennel (her favourite vegetable, like a fancy onion), a magazine with her beloved "Loose Womens" on the cover, a framed photo of Alison's husband Mike (Kiell Smith-Bynoe), on whom Mary had a not-so-secret crush. Alison put it all in a wicker basket "five potatoes high", as Mary insisted baskets should be, and buried it beneath her favourite tree.
There wasn't a dry eye in Button House. Well, until their minute's silent contemplation was interrupted by the strains of Black Lace and Gangnam Style drifting in from the children's birthday party indoors. The ghosts promptly hit the dance floor because "Mary would have wanted us to have fun". For a show about dead people, Ghosts is joyously life-affirming.
As two of the oldest ghosts Mary and Robin had spent centuries together and grown so close, there were once hints of potential romance. Hence it felt strange that Robin initially seemed unaffected by her departure. He later admitted that he has his own way of mourning the many deaths he's witnessed. "Find them a star," he growled, gazing up at the night sky. "Because that's where we go, back to the stars. That one has a twinkle. Goodbye, Mary."
Mary's appearances in Ghosts were quietly diminishing. She was sometimes absent from ensemble scenes. It began to look suspiciously like Wix was unavailable for filming due to scheduling conflicts.
Last week's episode saw Mary wandering the grounds alone, chatting cheerfully to herself while the rest of the ghosts tried to apologise to Alison for their bad behaviour. Mary had done nothing wrong, so rightly refused to join them. Death had given her a voice at last. "I hope whatever comes next is even better," she said.
We hope so too. RIP.