三十年前一场cold case 因突然被揭开老人不得不离家亡命天涯 而剧集故事也就此展开。 三十年前老对手因女儿问题再度交恶 不愧是惩罚者导演 硬汉特工老当益壮ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ In essence, this is a story about 2 fathers and their beloved daughter. They love each other so deeply that they would give their life for the better others. The old man is actually not referring to Henry or his old peer....but their old man...their mentor their used to be guardian....the cause of this tragic...
PS 小女儿满脸小雀斑究竟遗传于谁(;一_一) 明明老爸老妈都是帅哥靓女的说。