Of my rebel heart
为了让有些低落的自己high起来,一整天都在听麦姐的歌,然后真的超常发挥,顺利完成了被耽误很久的工作! 从小学的时候就“喜欢”Madonna,那个时候大概是为了叛逆而叛逆,为了不同而喜欢。可是这么久过去了,她的歌怎么还那么动人?她的舞蹈怎么还那么性感?她的装扮怎么还那么酷? I guess deep down, she touches in the depth of my rebel heart. 有粉丝上传了2016 rebel heart tour的高清视频(油管链接:https://youtu.be/VMtWN0FX02g),我在电视上看起来。
觉得很high,很high。直到听到... 【Like a virgin】 Touched for the very first time Like a virgin When your heart beats Next to mine 竟然有点想哭。因为这是我小时候听的歌啊...那时候别人家的大人会指手画脚,你这个好学生怎么能看这种东西?!我心想,管你p事!即使你不让你家的女儿和我玩儿,那又怎样?感谢爸妈,很少干涉我的爱好,虽然他们看到Madonna在演唱会裸露上半身,也会担心... 哈哈,可是麦姐的演唱会哪有不露点的? I hear you work at a 【body shop】 You can keep it overnight You can do whatever you like Working overtime Working on the line
You can polish the headlights You can smooth out the fender You can start the ignition We can go on a bender Stuck to the seat, our body heat, what will you do with all of this ass? 麦姐要所有男舞者show出自己的六块肌,又不紧不慢地说:“我们不能搞歧视啊”...于是一位女舞者解开了自己的上衣。她代替了麦姐,在整场演唱会做了她年轻时候会做的事。 想想现在国内的小朋友真的很可怜,会不会在公共场合都无法看到麦姐的演唱会视频了?会产生这样的疑问,因为最近我的豆瓣照片经常会被直接删掉(无语)。 这场演出,Madonna已经年近60。她的歌之所以还那么动人,因为依然在尝试探寻人性的边界。她的舞之所以还那么性感,因为这是在精习瑜伽之后自己独创出来的舞蹈。她之所以看起来还那么酷,因为她依然有着一颗rebel heart。 希望我60岁的时候,也能像她一样,依然充满了活力,依然能够继续创造,最重要的是,依然有一颗rebel heart~
I've lived my life like a masochist Hearing my father say, 'Told you so, told you so! Why can't you be like the other girls?' I said, 'Oh no, that's not me And I don't think that it'll ever be' Thought I belong to a different tribe Walking alone, never satisfied, satisfied Trying to fit in but it wasn't me I said, 'Oh no, I want more That's not what I'm looking for' So I took the road less traveled by And I barely made it out alive Through the darkness somehow I survived Tough love, I knew it from the start Deep down in the depth Of my rebel heart I've spent some time as a narcissist Hearing the others say, 'Look at you, look at you! Trying to be so provocative' I said, 'Oh yeah, that was me' All the things I did just to be seen Outgrown my past and I've shed my skin Letting it go and I'll start again, start again Never look back, it's a waste of time I said, 'Oh yeah, this is me And I'm right here where I wanna be' I said, 'Hell yeah, this is me Right where I'm supposed to be' So I took the road less traveled by And I barely made it out alive Through the darkness somehow I survived Tough love, I knew it from the start Deep down in the depth
Of my rebel heart Of my rebel heart In my rebel heart